Bill Fink's story of a year of work, basketball, romance, and other disasters in the Philippines

Monday, April 23, 2007

Book status

So what is the status of the book?

In basketball lingo, I'm setting up to take a shot. It's no layup or dunk, but I think I have a good angle at scoring.

I've written about 75,000 words of text (about 200 pages), I have a formal book propoal that I'm getting ready to send out to literary agents. I met a bunch of them at the ASJA national conference last week. Some seemed quite interested in the project, others sceptical about how well this book can sell. So as I track my book's progress to completion and publication on this blog, I'll also be tracking the popularity of the themes of this book around the internet, and see what sort of community is out there that'd be interested in plopping down the money to read this story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.